15 Nisan 2012 Pazar


Futurism is an art movement that occured in Italy in 20th century.Flippo Tomasso Marinetti, an Italian poet is a founder of this movement.His Manifesto Futurista manifesto of futurism was published in 1909 in Paris.It's aim was to emphasize the modern concepts of the future.It was included painting architecture,ceramics,interior design,graphic design,film fashion textile,music theatre and even gastronomy.Other Italian figures of this movement are Umberto Boccioni,Gino Severini,Antonia Sant'Elia,Carlo Carra,Luigi Russolo and Tullio Crali.Natalia Goncharova,Velimir Khelbnikov and Vladimr Mayakovsky are the Russian figures of the futurism.Art movements such as Art Deco,Constructivism,Surrealism,Dada,Rayonism and Vorticism are influenced by Futurism.Antonia Sant'Elia is an extremely influential futurist architect.He expressed his ideas of modernity in his drawings for La Citta Nuova(The New City).The city was never built but influenced next generations of architects and artists.
                                            Giacomo Balla,Abstract speed and sound,1913-1914