25 Mayıs 2012 Cuma

Der Blau Reiter

         Der Blau Reiter was established in 1911 in Munich by Vassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc.It was formed as an association of painters.They organized two exhibitions that they include plastic arts and music.It was called Der Blau Reiter.Later on Gabrielle MünterAlexej JawlenskyMarianne von WerefkinAlfred KubinPaul KleeArnold Schönberg  joined the group. They interested in abstracted forms and prismatic colors.The smoot perspective and reductive forms of woodcut helped  put the artists on the path toward abstraction in their painting. Die Brücke which was formed in 1905 was against to Der Blau Reiter style which was abaout realism,naturalism and impressionism.
        The name Der Blau Reiter (blue rider) refers to a key motif in Kandinsky's work the horse and rider which was a symbol for him for moving beyond realistic representation.                

Vasily Kandinsky 
Picture with an Archer(1909)

Der Blaue Reiter dissolved with the outbreak of World War I in August 1914. Kandinsky, a Russian citizen, was forced to return to his homeland, and Marc and another Blaue Reiter artist, August Macke, were killed in action.
Franz Marc
The World Cow (1913)


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