23 Mart 2012 Cuma

Les Fauves

Fauvism began as a style around 1900s unfourtunately it was not lasted long, only a few years, 1904 -1908 and had three exhibitions.It is a French word for ' the wild beasts' and developed by Henri Matisse and Andre Derain.They started a group under the name of Les Fauves. It can be seen as a mode of Expressionism.The style was originated from the post-impressionist paintings of Paul Gaugin.Colour had a symbolic vocabulary for Gaugin because it can translate range of emotions visually.Such kind of example can be seen in his painting 'Vision after the Sermon'.The name was given to the group by the art critic Louis Vauxcelles.The group believed that colour shold express the feelings of artist about a subject  not just to describe what it looks like.Affects of Fauvism can be seen on German Expressionists.Finally it can be said that fauvism is a simplified drawing it has no regulations and rules and les fauves is a group of artists who believed that there is relation between colour and emotions.
Henri Matisse 'The Roofs of Collioure' 1905

Andre Derain 'Portrait of Henri Matisse'  1906

Andre Derain 'Turning Road at L'Estaque' 1906


Les Nabis

Paul Serusier(Le Talisman)

Pierre Bonnard, The Dining Room in the country,1913


Expressionism is a modernist movement that occured during the late 19th and early 20th century especially in painting and in poetry which was originated in Germany.It was developed before the First World War and remained popular during the Weimer Republic.There was emphasized much more the subjective emotion rather than physical reality.The term was actualy a hint for an angst(fear).Works of expressionist artists were often distorted or altered.The expressionistic tradition can be seen in Vincent Van Gogh's paintings.One of the most famous painting of Gogh's 'Starry night' can be an example of the expressionism.Also Edvard Munch the Norvegian painter and printmaker who dealt with different fears can be another example.All in all we can say that artists of this period thought of the art as an expression of their intense feelings to the world.
(The Starry night ) Vincent Van Gogh 1889

The Scream by Edvard Munch (1893)

Other Expressionists
James Ensor
Oskar Kokoshka
Egon Schiele
Marc Chagal
Salvador Dali
Henri Matisse

15 Mart 2012 Perşembe


    Symbolism was an art movement that flourished in France,Russia and Belgian in late 19th century.In literature the style began with the publication  les Fleurs du mal(The Flowers of Evil, 1857) by Charles Baudelaire.During the 1860s and70s the aesthetic was developed by Stephane Mallarme and Paul Verlaine.The name 'symbolist' invented bu Jean Morias because he wanted to distinguish symbolists from the related decadent of literature and of art.Symbolism was a reaction against naturalism and realism.It was a reaction in favor of spirituality, the imagination, and dreams.Symbolists wrote in a very metaphorical and suggestive manner ,enriching particular images or objects with symbolic meaning because they believed that art should represent absolute truth that could only be described indirectly.
     Symbolism had a significant influence on modernism, and its effects can be seen on many work of modernist artists such as Wallace Stevens, Conrad Aiken,Hart Crane, William Butler Yeats.
     After the begining of the 20th century symbolism had a major effect on Russian poets such as Alexander Blok,Andrei Bely, and Marina Tsvetaeva. Andrei Bely's novel Petersburg(1912) is considered the greatest example of Russian symbolist prose.
     In Romania,symbolists  influenced by the French poetry when Alexandru Makendski reunited a group of young poets during the 1880s.Those effects can be seen on works of Tudor Arghezi,Ion Minulescu, George Bacovia,Mateiu Caragiale,Tristan Tzara and Tudor Vianu.
     In painting expressionism and surrealism are the effects of the symbolist painters.


La Mort du Fossoyeur(Tje death of the gravedigger) by Carlos Schwabe.

'The wounded angel' by Hugo Simberg


11 Mart 2012 Pazar


Neo Impressionism was founded by Georges Seurat (1859-1891) who was a French Post-Impressionist  painter and draftsman. His greatest masterpiece A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte 
is the initiator of this movement.But it was not welcomed by the art world and general public.Neo-Impressionists' use of tine dots to compose a whole picture was concerned even more controversial than impressionism.This style of painitng was too mechanical and fasr from the commonly accepted notions of creative processes for the 19th century.This movement was coined by French art critic Felix Feneon şn 1886.
Georges Seurat ,A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1184-1886

Portrait of Felix Feneon by Paul Signac,1890

Some other Neo- Impressionists

Charles Angrand
Anna Boch
Henri Edmond Cross
Albert Dubois Pillet
Willy Finch
Georges Lemmen
Maximilien Luce
Theo Van Ryselberghe


Impressionism is an art movement that occurred in 19th century in France.It was sometimes called an  optical realism because of its interest in visual experience and effect of light and movement on appearance of objects. In other words it intends to reflect visual imression especially which depends on light and  colour . Initiators of the movement are Claude Monet and Camillo Pissaro.The name of the style comes from the Impression,  soleil levant ( impression,sunrise) which is the work of claude monet.Impressionists are not concerned with actual depiction of physical objects in front of them but with the emotions and ideas that inspire them of what they see.In other words they are concerned with the visual sensations of nature and learned how to describe them directly.Impressionism was followed by some resembling styles known as Impressionist music and Impressionist literature.
Claude Monet ,impression,soleil levant,1872
Camille Pissarro,Boulevard Montmarte,1897,the Hermitage St. Petersburg

                       Some other impressionists in France

Eduard Manet
Pierre Auguste Renoir
Alfred Sisley
Edgar Degas
Berthe Morisot
Armand Guillaumin
Frederic Bazille