23 Mart 2012 Cuma


Expressionism is a modernist movement that occured during the late 19th and early 20th century especially in painting and in poetry which was originated in Germany.It was developed before the First World War and remained popular during the Weimer Republic.There was emphasized much more the subjective emotion rather than physical reality.The term was actualy a hint for an angst(fear).Works of expressionist artists were often distorted or altered.The expressionistic tradition can be seen in Vincent Van Gogh's paintings.One of the most famous painting of Gogh's 'Starry night' can be an example of the expressionism.Also Edvard Munch the Norvegian painter and printmaker who dealt with different fears can be another example.All in all we can say that artists of this period thought of the art as an expression of their intense feelings to the world.
(The Starry night ) Vincent Van Gogh 1889

The Scream by Edvard Munch (1893)

Other Expressionists
James Ensor
Oskar Kokoshka
Egon Schiele
Marc Chagal
Salvador Dali
Henri Matisse

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