5 Haziran 2012 Salı


Dada or Dadaism began during World War I and continued from 1916 to 1922.It is cultural movement that occured in Zurich and Switzerland.Dadaism was against the brutality of the war.They believed that  in art and in social life there had to be a repressive intellectual stiffness.It was begun by a group of artists and poets.Some believe that the word DADA does not make any sense and the root of the name is indefinite.Others say that its root comes from Romanian artists Tristan Tzara and Marcel Janco.They always used the word da,which means yes in Romanian language.Dadaism comprise literature ,poetry,theatre,graphic design and visual arts.Its main intention was to make fun of how meaningles is the modern world.Dada was anti-war,socialist anti bourgeois. Its proponents saw Dada as an anti-art because it was the opposite of aesthetic and didin't concern of everything if it appealed to sensibilitiesCover of the first edition of the publication DADA by Tristan Tzara, 1917

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