5 Haziran 2012 Salı


The art movement synchromism was founded  by Morgan Russell and Stanton Macdonald -Wright.They were American artists ,painters.In 1913-1914 they were living in Paris and focused on color and painting 'synchromies' in other words abstract works.The movement was actually about how colour and sound resemble and in the painting colors can be harmoniously orchastrated.Russel and Wright believed that their work could recall musical sensations.They used colour scales and and rhythmical color forms.The first synchromist painting 'Russell's synchromy in Green' exhibited at the Paris Salon des Independants in 1913.Synchromism was the first American avant-garde art movement.It had the internaitonal attention.

Stanton Macdonald Wright,Airplane Synchromy in Yellow-Orange(1920)

Morgan Russel ,Cosmic Synchromy (1913-1914)

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